Step to Overclock: "Before starting, prepare manuals and the first objects that describe the motherboard configurations, processor, and RAM, because a lot of information that we seek will be there. What if the book manual is lost or not supplied by the seller when you buy? Do not worry, the trick specific and a little luck, maybe we can get information about our hardware.
Luck is very dependent on the brand motherboard you buy.
- To begin, make sure your system is in state standards and you have made optimize windows.
- To ensure that the system in a state you can use your standard sisoft sandra, aida 32, or Everest to check all the settings related to the operating frequency PC system.
If you need to run 3D Mark 2001 was once just to test the initial stability and then record
- Also make sure you have understood well the characteristics of hardware that will at overclock.
- Restart your PC, go into the BIOS search for the feature FSB and multiplier settings.
- Ensure Frequency AGP / PCI = 66 MHz / 33 MHz to enable the AGP divider (if any) or PCI frequency lock to AGP / PCI is not affected by the rising share FSB.
Usually the motherboard is the latest include features ini. Why PCI lock? because if the AGP / PCI guaranteed ride the system will run unstable.
As we all know the hard drive is one of the components connected to the IDE port, and IDE
- includes components that are controlled by the PCI south bridge chipset, which helped increase the frequency if there increase FSB.
What result if the frequency increases the IDE work? which obviously would happen interference on the hard drive platter so that the data be korup.Dengan for this reason that we must maintain order AGP / PCI fixed at standard conditions.
- The next step was raising FSB at 1MHz increment, then save the changes in the BIOS. The first step This is usually successful.
If the windows run smoothly restart your PC and go into the BIOS and then repeat
above steps again until you get a situation where the PC can still boot but was not able to
entry windows.
- Until here there are several possibilities why not get into windows.
Likelihood The first voltage and power shortages of power supply, for now the best choice is power supply 500 Watt.
- The second possibility is your processor is not able anymore to overclock.
Likelihood The third quality of the motherboard that is not for overclocking purposes.
What if a third possibility of the above has been fulfilled? means are all eligible. Means you must decrease multiplier.
- Try down 0.5 point and then restart again.
If it still hangs, repeat the steps above to get in here windows. until success. How easy is that? Yes indeed! But do not be happy first ... you have to do that for the procession popular among overclockers called Benchmark.
If your computer is going to burn some time and then hangs, most likely caused by the hot processor excess.
If this happens, try opening your computer case, and wait a few minutes. Then turn on the computer again.
If a few moments later, with the same intervals as before, the computer hangs again experience, meaning processor was defeated.
In addition, there is sometimes also caused hangs on the CPU clock signal is blurred. That is, restrictions between logic 0 and 1 on a clock signal is not clear (in the computer, the signals are represented as binary with 0 and 1).
To overcome this, try to raise the working voltage processors ..